
《可持续金融》系列课程回顾 Sustainable Finance Course

浙大ZIBS 浙大ZIBS 2023-12-16


作为培养未来人才的重要基地,高校同样采取积极行动,为可持续金融人才培养蓄积新生力量。在此背景下,在此背景下,ZIBS携手德国国际合作机构(GIZ)与CFA Institute系统地开发了可持续金融系列课程,于2023年5月13日至14日,正式走进ZIBS课堂,国际校区不同专业背景的学生们共同参与。课程邀请金融业届与学界诸位专家学者(以课程时间排序)全英文授课:ZIBS院长贲圣林、ZIBS副教授戴新竹、北京绿色金融与可持续发展研究院国际合作中心主任程琳、可持续金融领域专家David von Eiff聚焦四项前沿议题 “可持续金融与科技创新、可持续金融法律监管、可持续金融国际合作经验、ESG投资和市场概况”,帮助学生全面理解可持续金融的生态系统。



“可持续金融与科技创新”以数字时代的可持续金融创新为主题,对国际ESG市场新趋势、金融科技在绿色金融市场发展中的作用等做了深入浅出的分析介绍。“可持续金融法律监管”课程通过丰富的案例及互动,使同学们了解到不同国家、国际组织在可持续金融监管层面的做法和经验。“可持续金融国际合作经验”课程介绍国际合作发展进程及趋势、中国可持续金融分类目录、G20转型金融框架等内容,通过详实的案例及讨论帮助同学们对可持续领域的国际合作有了更进一步理解。最后,“ESG投资和市场概况”课程全面介绍了ESG投资和市场概况,包括环境、社会和治理等方面的因素,并精心设计了ESG Game Show环节,以小组问答竞赛的方式加深同学们对ESG市场的认识,现场同学们都踊跃参与。




"The entire 2-days course was beyond insightful. It was amazing hearing and learning from real industry experts specialized in the field of sustainability and felt like a comprehensive 101 ESG and sustainability crash course. On a personal side, I have learnt so much and the sessions have given me further validation and certainty to pursue a career in this area. It was great meeting like-minded individuals and I would like to extend my gratitude to the organizers for their great effort and ensuring the success of the event!" 

from FANG Phei Wern, GCM Program

"The course provides a comprehensive overview of sustainable finance, covering sustainable finance innovation, regulation and international cooperation, and ESG market trends. The course is engaging, with interactive activities such as the ESG Game Show, and the instructors are knowledgeable and passionate. Overall, it is insightful and helps me a lot as a beginner in learning sustainable finance."

-- from QU Danni, iMF Program

"It was an enlightening experience. The course was well-structured and informative, and I learned a lot about the importance of sustainable finance in today's world. It also has inspired me to think more critically about the impact of our decisions on the environment and society. Thanks for offering such a valuable learning opportunity." 

-- from ZHENG Manman, iMF Program


编辑|李嵩皎 李诗馨

责编|陈槭丽莎 戴新竹


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