
WeChat Pay HK 消費券計劃 FAQ

1. WeChat Pay HK 是否可接收政府發放的消費券?
香港政府已甄選 WeChat Pay HK 作為可接收消費券的電子錢包之一。
您只需在消費券計劃網站選用WeChat Pay HK登記,並填寫10位數字的WeChat Pay HK賬戶號碼,通過政府審批后,消費券將會在發放日自動派發到該賬號内,無需更多操作。與此同時,WeChat Pay HK 亦將配合消費券計劃展開多項推廣優惠活動,敬請期待。
2. 何時可以開始登記消費券計劃?如何登記?
根據政府公布的資料,消費券計劃將於2021 年7月4日起開放登記,至2021年8月14日結束。届時請訪問消費券計劃網站或打開WeChat,點擊「我– Pay – 政府消費券」,透過WeChat Pay HK消費券專題頁進入消費券計劃網站進行登記。
選用WeChat Pay HK登記消費券,並填寫10位數字的WeChat Pay HK賬戶號碼,通過政府審批后,消費券將會在發放日自動派發到該賬號内,無需更多操作。
同時,為了方便您及時接收有關消費券的最新動態,誠邀您參與WeChat Pay HK「消費券早鳥訂閱活動」,並且提供您的聯絡方式,我們將即時通知您有關申請的最新資訊。
備註:您所提交的所有個人信息都將受到WeChat Pay HK隱私政策保護。

3. 消費券計劃的發放期數、每期的金額及使用期限是?


* 以上信息來源於消費券計劃網站,具體安排請以政府側時間表為準

消費券過期後,金額將退回政府,WeChatPay HK會在消費券到期前14天對仍持有消費券餘額的賬戶進行使用提醒。

4. 使用消費券的交易可否退款?若消費券超過了使用期限,還可以進行退款嗎?
每個商戶會訂定其退貨或退款條款及安排,一般在雙方同意下,會透過讓消費者換貨的方式處理。若您與商家協商決定選擇使用電子錢包資金原路退回的方式進行一筆消費券退款,則相關款項會退回至您的WeChat Pay HK 消費券賬戶內。
在消費券過期後,WeChatPay HK會保留一個月的退款窗口期。在窗口期間內的退款,將會以一張新消費券形式發放到您的WeChat Pay HK賬戶,該張新消費券的有效期為首筆退款到賬後的下一個月底。

5. 兩期發放的消費券是否可以疊加使用?
可以。因為兩期消費券的過期日是同一天,WeChat Pay HK會在第二期消費券發放時,直接以增值的形式將HK$3,000增值至第一期消費券中,無需更多手動操作,輕鬆滿足您的大額消費需求。

6. 為了領取消費券,使用消費券的相關功能,我需要到應用商店升級WeChat 版本嗎?
不需要,當然我們也建議您將WeChat App維持在最新版本。

7. 我可以在哪裡看到WeChatPay HK的賬戶號碼?
打開WeChat,點擊「我– Pay – 政府消費券」,訪問WeChat Pay HK消費券專題頁,即可查看到本賬戶的10位賬戶號碼
8. 可以將不同人的消費券加至同一個WeChat Pay HK 賬戶內合併使用嗎?
不可以。一個WeChatPay HK賬戶號碼只與一個消費券計劃網站內的登記參考編號掛勾,不可以多人重複填寫同一個WeChat Pay HK賬戶號碼。

9. 是否需先將WeChatPay HK實名登記,才能領取消費券?
不需要。根據消費券計劃,可接受合資格人士以非實名登記的電子錢包賬戶領取消費券。登記資格以政府登記網站所需要提交的資料為準,不需要在WeChat Pay HK提交額外的資料。但我們也歡迎您在WeChat Pay HK賬戶進行實名登記, 以提升支付限額,。

10. 可以在哪裡看到我的消費券?
若您已經收到了消費券,可以打開WeChat,點擊「我– Pay – 政府消費券」,訪問WeChat Pay HK消費券專題頁,即可查看到您的消費券餘額、有效期、交易記錄等信息。

11. 消費券可以疊加其他付款方式使用嗎?
可以。為了方便您使用消費券,WeChatPay HK提供了疊加組合支付功能。當前待付款金額大於目前消費券餘額時,您可選擇一個剩餘款項的付款方式,方便您“一筆過”將消費券用完的同時,完成訂單付款。您可以選擇使用WeChat Pay HK賬戶餘額、綁定的銀行賬戶或信用卡進行疊加組合付款。

12. 消費券可以疊加優惠券使用嗎?
可以。WeChat Pay HK 亦將配合消費券計劃展開多項推廣優惠活動,會送出各式不同的優惠券,這些優惠券可以與消費券疊加使用。

13. 在哪裡可以看到我的消費券交易記錄?
您可以打開WeChat,點擊「我– Pay – 政府消費券」,訪問WeChat Pay HK消費券專題頁,查看到每一筆消費券相關的資金記錄。

14. 使用消費券支付,是否會收費?
不會。WeChat Pay HK不但不收取交易手續費,還會配合消費券計劃展開多項推廣優惠活動,會送出各式不同的優惠券。您可打開WeChat,點擊「我– Pay – 優惠專區」參與最新活動。
掃描QR Code關注WeChat Pay HK官方帳號,以便接收消費券相關最新活動資訊。

15. 可否使用消費券進行轉賬、發紅包?
16. 我可以哪些商戶使用消費券付款

1. Can WeChat Pay HK accept consumption vouchers issued by the government?
WeChat Pay HK has been selected by the HongKong government as one of the electronic wallets that can accept consumptionvouchers.
You can simply choose WeChat Pay HK as theelectronic wallet for receiving consumption vouchers and fill-in your 10-digitWeChat Pay HK account number on the ConsumptionVoucher Scheme website. After verification by the government, the consumption voucherswill be automatically disbursed to yourWeChat Pay HK account on the disbursementday. WeChat Pay HK will conduct a variety of marketing campaigns in relation tothe Consumption Voucher Scheme.
2. When andhow can I register for the consumption vouchers?

According to the information released by thegovernment, the registration will be open on July 4, 2021 and close on August14, 2021. Please visit Consumption Voucher Scheme website or tap “Me – Pay – GovVoucher” in WeChat App to go to WeChat Pay HKConsumption Voucher homepage for registration.
You can choose WeChat Pay HK as the electronicwallet for receiving consumption vouchers and fill-in your 10-digit WeChat Pay HK account number. After verificationby the government, theconsumption vouchers will be automatically disbursed to your WeChat Pay HKaccount on the disbursementday.
To keep yourself updated on the ConsumptionVoucher Scheme, you can participate in WeChat Pay Hong Kong's "Early BirdSubscription Campaign" and provide your contact information, so that wecan notify you of the latest information about the consumption voucherapplication.

3. What arethe installments of the Consumption Voucher Scheme, the amount of each installment,and the validity period of consumption vouchers?
According to the Consumption Voucher Schemeannounced by the government, the consumption vouchers will be disbursed in two installments totalingHK$5000 to each eligible person.
1st installment: HK$2000 in thefirst month, valid for 5 months from the date of issue.
2nd installment: HK$3000 in thethird month, valid for 3 months from the date of issue.
The disbursement time may vary depending on thedate of registration and the way of receiving the consumption vouchers.

Disbursement dates
Registration dates
First consumption voucher
Second consumption voucher
Electronic registrations  completed between 4 July and 17 July 2021
1 August 2021
(valid until 31 December  2021)
1 October 2021
(valid until 31 December  2021)
Electronic registrations  completed between 18 July and 14 August 2021 and all paper registrations
1 September 2021
 (valid until 31 January 2022)
1 November 2021
(valid until 31 January  2022)
* The aboveinformation comes from the government Consumer Voucher Scheme website,governmentversion shall prevail.
After a consumption voucher expires, the consumptionvoucher amount will be returned to the government. WeChat Pay HK will remind usersto use the consumption voucher 14 days before its expiration.

4. Can Irefund transactions using consumption vouchers, even when the consumptionvoucher used expires?
Return/refund terms and arrangements may varyper merchant. Generally, you can exchange goods upon agreement. But if you andthe merchant agree to refund a transaction using the consumption voucher viathe original payment route to your electronic wallet, the amount will bereturned to your WeChat Pay HK consumption voucher account.
After the consumption voucher expires, WeChatPay HK retains a one-month refund grace period. Refunds within the graceperiod will be made as a new consumption voucher disbursed to your WeChat Pay HKaccount. Such new consumption voucher is valid until the end of the monthfollowing the date of the first refund.
For refunds one month or more after the end ofthe validity period, the refund voucher amount will not be re-disbursed.

5. Can Iuse consumption vouchers disbursed in two installments together?
Yes. Consumption vouchers disbursed in two installments sharethe same expiry date. WeChat Pay HK will directly top-up 2ndconsumption voucher amount to your 1st consumption voucher, whichcan easily satisfy your large spending needs.

6. In order to receive and use consumption voucher, do I need to upgradethe WeChat version in the app store?
No. We alsorecommend that you keep the WeChat App at the latest version.

7.  Where can I find my WeChat Pay HK account number?
Tap “Me – Pay – GovVoucher” in WeChat App to go to WeChat Pay HKConsumption Voucher homepage to check your 10-digit account number.
8. Can Icombine others' consumption vouchers together in my WeChat Pay HK account?
No. A WeChat Pay HK account number correspondsto only one registration reference number on the ConsumptionVoucherSchemewebsite. A WeChat Pay HK accountnumber cannot be entered repeatedly.

9. Do I need to apply forverification for WeChat Pay HK before I can receive consumption voucher?
No need. According to the Consumption VoucherScheme, eligible persons can receive consumption vouchers with e-walletaccounts registered without verification. The registration qualifications aresubject to the information required by the government’s Consumption VoucherScheme website, no additional information is required to be submitted in WeChatPay HK. That said, we also welcome you to verify your account to increase thepayment limit.

10.  Wherecan I find my consumption vouchers?
After registration, the consumption voucherswill be disbursed to youon the disbursementday. The disbursementtime may vary depending on the date of registration. Please refer to thegovernment's time plan for more information about the consumption voucher disbursement.
If you have already received the consumptionvouchers, “Me – Pay – GovVoucher” in WeChat App to visit the WeChat Pay HKConsumption Voucher homepage tocheck your consumption voucher balance, validity period, and transactionhistory.

11.  Can Iuse a combination of consumption vouchers and other payment methods?
Yes. To make sure you use up all yourconsumption voucher balance, WeChat Pay HK provides a combined payment option.When the order amount to be paid is larger than the current balance of theconsumption voucher, you can choose another payment method to cover theremaining amount. Available payment methods include WeChat Pay HK accountbalance, linked bank account, and linked credit card.

12.  Can Iuse the consumption voucher together with other coupons?
Yes. WeChat Pay HK will conduct a variety ofmarketing campaigns in relation to the Consumption Voucher Scheme, and offer awide variety of coupons that can be combined with the consumption voucher whenmaking payments.

13.  Where can I find my consumption voucher transaction history?
Tap “Me – Pay – GovVoucher” in WeChat App to go to WeChat Pay HKConsumption Voucher homepage to check your consumption voucher transactionhistory.

14.  Will Ibe charged for a service fee when I pay with consumption vouchers?
No. WeChat Pay Hong Kong does not charge you aservice fee. In fact, WeChat Pay Hong Kong will conduct many marketing campaign inrelation to the Consumption Voucher Scheme, offering a variety of consumptionvouchers.
You can scan the QR code to follow the WeChatPay HK Official Account to receive the latest information in relation toconsumption vouchers.

15.  Can Iuse consumption vouchers for transfers or red packets?
No. Consumption vouchers are mainly used tomake payments to merchants in Hong Kong. You cannot use the consumption voucherfor transfers (including FPS), red packets, withdrawal and credit cardrepayment.
16.  Which merchants can accept payments with the consumption vouchers?

According to the preliminary informationreleased by the government, the consumption vouchers can be widely used inlocal merchants in Hong Kong, including supermarkets, restaurants, wet marketvendors, and other merchants, but cannot be used for overseas merchants, orpaying utility bills or making tax payments. For details, please refer to thegovernment’s Consumption Voucher Scheme website.

