
英文版《Redefining Poetry》国际诗选在印度出版

野鬼DIABLO 国际诗歌翻译研究中心

英文版《Redefining Poetry》国际诗选


   印度著名诗人、出版人Shajil Anthru(沙吉尔·安图鲁)教授主编的英文版《Redefining Poetry》(《重塑诗歌》)国际诗选,已于2024年7月由Real Magazine Productions在印度Kerala(喀拉拉邦)出版,全世界发行。


其中第37-38页选发了中国诗人杨吉军Yang Jijun先生的彩照和英文诗作《The Frosty Trees》(《结霜的树》)(石永浩Shi Yonghao教授 英译),马蒂尔Ma Di’er先生的彩照和英文诗作《Wind》(《风》)(李正栓Li Zhengshuan教授 英译),蒋宜茂JiangYimao先生的彩照和英文诗作《Time and Tide》(《岁月》)(石永浩Shi Yonghao教授 英译),张智Zhang Zhi博士的彩照和英文诗作《The Doomsday》(《世界末日》)。





Yang Jijun [China]

The Frosty Trees

At first we chose some little trees that could be shaken

To let frost flakes alight on our heads and eyelashes

That was the human joy

Perhaps the trees were holding back their tears

When frost started on the branch stretching the longest

There could not be a branch that did not want to escape

We sit around the stove then, maybe in the dream of the snow

Some of them bit their lips hard

What they had to endure was not the cold

But the lack of warmth

If one tree that appeared unique

It must be because it failed to endure

We could not shake every tree there

Before we turned around and stepped out of the woods

The trees not shaken shivered by themselves

Thus the frost burst and fell

That morning, the whole woods were crackling

The sound of breaking on the ground. Mist rose up

  (Translated by Shi Yonghao)

Ma Di’er [China]


Wind kisses gently

The tail of a dragonfly

And jumps to roam on wings of a butterfly.

Wind licks heatedly

The blade of a suicider

And runs to a church to watch a wedding.

Wind engraves wrinkles

On a maid’s face

And leaps to a crematory to blow wreaths away.

Wind stirs up a tsunami

In my heart

And rushes to tear history to pieces in a library.

  (Translated by Li Zhengshuan)

Jiang Yimao [China]

Time and Tide

The knife forged by time and tide

Serve not only to kill pigs

But also to plough, to break water and to prune trees

It anatomizes whatever in the world

Winds, snow, thunders and lightning remove the rust

Sunshine, rains and dewdrops moisten the blade

It scrapes off the illness rooted in the depths

Carving the expectations embodying deity

The skillful wielding of the knife

Memories stored by Heaven

The chart of all beings

All go through the ebb and flow of the river of time

  (Translated by Shi Yonghao)

Zhang Zhi [China]

The Doomsday

These years

You peddle yourself to the world

Like a politician

More like an old hand in love affairs

These years

You and the world flatter one another

Like a pair of actors

More like a pair of gays

Oh, these years

You sleep together with the world

But you have known nothing about the world

Oh, these years

The Aeolian bells in heaven are like a drunkard

Limping along the tunnel of time





