



Research Innovation in Digital Communication: Theory and Methodology

How do we interact with one another in the network era to live our lives and change the world? Facing such challenges as users and researchers, we need to take different perspectives and draw interdisciplinary resources. We can’t stay at the level of speculative talks about “big data” or “computational social sciences.” Nor can we be satisfied with or even entrapped in normatively overburdened assertions about the digital era. We must take concrete steps to garner and make sense of data in diverse forms by exploiting the potentials and leveraging the affordances of the digital network platforms where much of human interactions takes place. We hope this summer workshop becomes an opportunity for us to learn from some of the innovative scholars, to take the knowledge-acquisition journey with them, and hopefully, to pick up some inspirations to start our own research adventure.








Yi-Hui Christine Huang is a Chair Professor of Communication and Media at the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) in City University of Hong Kong. Her teaching interests include public relations management, conflict resolution and negotiation, crisis management and crisis communication, cross-cultural communication and relationship. She had a lot of academic and professional experiences and took part in many international conferences of importance.

Prof. Liu Hongwu is the Director of the Institute of African Studies at Zhejiang Normal University, Qianjiang Scholar, Chair Professor of Zhejiang Provincial Government, and a doctoral supervisor of Yunnan University. Prof. Liu Hongwu is a renowned expert on African studies and studied in Africa at an early age. As an important organizer and facilitator of China's African studies, he has published a large number of articles and books and opened up a new space for China's Africology. In Sept. 2007, Liu Hongwu took part in the establishment of the Institute of African Studies (IASZNU) and was appointed as the director.

Lei Guo is an Associate Professor in the Division of Emerging Media Studies at College of Communication, Boston University (BU), USA. Her research focuses mainly on the development of media effects theories, emerging media and democracy, and computational social science methodologies. She has won a number of awards for her scholarship, including the 2017 Google Research Award and the 2017 JMCQ Outstanding Article Award.

Ye Sun is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Utah. Her works have been published in many excellent peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Cancer Survivorship, the Environmental Communication A Journal of Nature and Culture, the Human Communication Research and so on.

Peng Yilang is an assistant professor in applied consumer analytics and strategic communication in the Department of Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics at the University of Georgia whose research is situated in the intersection of computational social science, visual communication, and media effects and applies cutting-edge computer vision methods to investigate the production and effects of visual messages across different communication contexts.

Jingwen Zhang is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication of the University of California, Davis. She completed her doctoral studies at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, where her dissertation examined the efficacy and mechanisms of online social networks in increasing physical activity among young adults. She works on health communication, persuasive technology, social media, online social networks, and ICT4D in developing countries.








1. 截止时间:即日起至2021年7月1日;

2. 本科生及研究生线上报名流程详见附件,本科生完成在线课程和系统操作可获得第四课堂学分

3. 联系咨询:甘老师 姜老师,87075133




1. 通知 | “从全球到村庄:传播赋能乡村振兴”暑期班招生公告

2喜报 | 传媒与国际文化学院在浙江大学“启航百年初心如磐” 庆祝中国共产党成立100周年主题征文活动中获得佳绩

3. 问学 · 讲堂|设计的价值-城市建筑设计的经济价值

4. 521,生日快乐!| 这是一封传媒学子写给浙大的告白书

5. 卓越传媒人大讲堂58期 | 中戏戏剧文学学院院长、电视剧《将爱情进行到底》编剧彭涛教授谈“从戏剧到诗电影的艺术启迪”

6. 创意我发现——第13届全国大学生广告艺术大赛浙江赛区名家名师校园创意巡讲浙江大学站成功举办

