

决策杂志 2023-08-26





Anhui province covers an area of 140,000 square kilometers. It has 71.208 million registered residents and 61.27 million permanent residents distributed across its 16 cities and 104 counties.

国家战略优势叠加 安徽省是唯一被“一带一路”、长江经济带发展、中部地区高质量发展、长三角一体化发展等4大国家战略覆盖的省份。2020年9月,安徽自贸试验区获批建设,为安徽发展提供难得战略机遇和政策条件。Multiple strategic advantagesAnhui is the one and only province to have been covered by four national strategies, namely the the Belt and Road Initiative, the Yangtze River Economic Belt, High-quality Development of the Central Region, and the Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta. Anhui Pilot Free Trade Zone, which was approved and launched in September 2020, unleashing unprecedented opportunities and providing favorable policies to boost Anhui’s high-quality development.

历史人文底蕴深厚 道家代表人物老子和庄子、神医华佗、明朝建立者朱元璋、“中国共产党的主要创始人之一和早期领导人”陈独秀、著名物理学家杨振宁等都是安徽人。徽学与藏学、敦煌学并称为中国三大地方学,国粹京剧前身就是徽剧,黄梅戏被誉为“中国的乡村音乐”。Profound history and splendid cultureAnhui is home to a galaxy of celebrities, such as Laozi and Zhuangzi (representatives of Taoism), Hua Tuo ( a renowned physician in the late Eastern Han dynasty), Zhu Yuanzhang (the founding emperor of Ming Dynasty),Chen Duxiu(one of the main founders and early leaders of the Communist Party of China), and Yang Zhenning(a Nobel-winning physicist ). Huizhouology, the studies of Hui culture, is on par with Tibetology and Tunhuangology. Peking Opera, the quintessence of Chinese culture, grew out of Huiju Opera, a folk opera popular in Anhui. Huangmei Opera, a local opera in Anhui, is hailed as ‘Chinese country music’.

科技创新活跃强劲 改革开放以来,安徽相继涌现出世界第一台VCD机、世界第一颗量子卫星“墨子号”等多项全球之首,创造出世界最快量子计算原型机“九章”、世界最薄0.12毫米触控玻璃等多项全球之最,区域创新能力全国第七、连续11年位居全国第一方阵。现有121所大学和7074家科研机构,拥有国家实验室、合肥综合性国家科学中心、大科学装置集群等重大创新平台,量子通信、量子计算、核聚变等领域原创成果世界领先。高标准推进“科大硅谷”建设,组建运行中国科大科技商学院,厚植创新生态,感召五洲英才。Robust innovationSince the start of the reform and opening-up policy, many world firsts and number ones appeared in Anhui, including the world's first VCD player, the world's first quantum scientific experimental satellite Micius, the world's fastest quantum computer prototype "Jiuzhang" and the world's thinnest (0.12mm) glass for touch sensor. Anhui has been a front-runner in terms of innovation capacity for eleven consecutive years, ranking 7th nationwide in 2022. Anhui boasts 121 universities, 7,074 scientific and technological institutes and multiple innovation platforms, such as national laboratory, Hefei Comprehensive National Scientific Center, and large-scale scientific facilities. It is a world leader in the fields of quantum communication, quantum computing, and nuclear fusion. We are advancing the development of USTC Silicon Valley and USTC School of Business and Technology Studies, cultivating a vibrant innovation ecosystem to attract talents from all over the world.

区位交通优越便捷 安徽沿江近海、居中靠东、承南接北,有民用机场6座,已实现“市市通高铁、县县通高速”,高铁运营里程居全国第一,内河航道里程华东第一。周边500公里范围覆盖全国近30%的人口、近35%生产总值和近40%消费市场,是目前我国经济发展最活跃的区域之一。Convenient transport networkAnhui is located in the eastern part of central China, linking north to south, with easy access to rivers and sea. It has six civic airports. Anhui has the longest high-speed rail network in China connecting the province’s all cities. All counties in Anhui are connected to highways. Anhui holds the top position in China for total railway mileage and ranks first in eastern China for inland waterway mileage. The region within a radius of 500km of Anhui is one of China’s most economically dynamic regions, with 30% of national population, 35%of national GDP and 40% of national consumer market.

制造业基础稳固十大新兴产业蓬勃发展,布局集成电路、新型显示器件、人工智能、先进结构材料4个国家战略性新兴产业集群,新能源汽车产量位居全国前列,家电“四大件”产量约占全国1/4。亚洲最大的水泥制造商海螺集团、电解铜产量中国第一的铜陵有色连续4年入列世界500强,江淮和奇瑞汽车公司是中国自主品牌汽车代表。大众新能源汽车中国生产基地和研发中心总部、蔚来汽车中国总部落户合肥。拥有国家级专精特新“小巨人企业”477户,居全国第7位。成功举办五届世界制造业大会、首届世界集成电路大会。工业互联网平台体系加快建设,羚羊工业互联网获批全国工业互联网年度最佳平台。Solid manufacturing foundationTen emerging industries are booming in Anhui province. Clusters of four national strategic emerging industries, namely integrated circuit, new display device, AI and advanced structural material, are being developed in Anhui. Anhui is at the forefront of new energy vehicle production in China, surpassing other regions. Furthermore, its production of refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, and televisions contributes to a significant 25% of the country's total output. Conch Group, the largest cement manufacturer in Asia, and Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Holding Co., Ltd, China’s top producer of electrolytic copper, have been listed on the Fortune 500 for four consecutive years. Volkswagen new energy vehicle production base and R&D center in China, and NIO China headquarters are settled in Hefei, the capital city of Anhui. There are 477 national-level specialized and sophisticated little giant enterprises that produce new and unique products, ranking 7th in China. The World Manufacturing Convention has been successfully held for five consecutive years, and in 2022, the World Integrated Circuit Convention was successfully hosted. We have made significant progress in building industrial internet platform system, and Linyang Industrial Network has been recognized as the best platform of the year in China.

生态资源优势明显安徽“三山三江二湖”(黄山、九华山、天柱山,淮河、长江、新安江,巢湖、太平湖)闻名天下。皖南古村落西递、宏村入选《世界文化遗产名录》。世界特有的野生动物扬子鳄和白鳍豚就生长在长江流域安徽段。粮、棉、油产量均居全国前列,中国十大名茶安徽就有4个,霍山石斛被誉为中华“九大仙草”之首。新安江流域生态补偿机制改革为全国跨流域生态补偿工作提供典范。林长制改革经验从安徽走向全国。Rich ecological resourcesAnhui is renowned for its three famous mountains: Mount Huangshan, Mount Jiuhua, and Mount Tianzhu. Additionally, the province is blessed with three renowned rivers: the Huaihe River, the Yangtze River, and the Xin'an River. Furthermore, Anhui is home to two famed lakes: Chaohu Lake and Taiping Lake. Xidi village and Hongcun village in southern Anhui have been included on the list of World Cultural heritage. The Anhui section of Yangtze River is the birthplace of the unique wild animals like Chinese alligator and white-flag dolphin. Anhui is a leading producer of grain, cotton and edible oil in China.It possesses four famous tea brands among the national top ten. Of China’s nine top medicinal herbs, Dendrobium produced in Huoshan is credited as best of the best. The implementation of ecological compensation mechanism reforms in the Xin'anjiang River Basin serves as a model for nationwide trans-basin ecological compensation efforts. The forest chief scheme initiated by Anhui is being promoted nationwide.

2022年,全省生产总值达到45045亿元、增长3.5%,居全国第10位;固定资产投资增长9%,比全国高3.9个百分点,居全国第6位;规模以上工业增加值增长6.1%,比全国高2.5个百分点。2023年一季度,全省生产总值增长4.8%、高于全国0.3个百分点;固定资产投资增长7.9%、高于全国2.8个百分点,其中制造业、基础设施投资分别增长18.3%、19.9%;规上工业增加值增长4.2%、高于全国1.2个百分点。First-class business environmentWe have initiated an action plan aimed at creating a top-tier law-based business environment, establishing governments that prioritize the rule of law and integrity.We have implemented an integrated online government service featuring full-process online handling and same-day completion for enterprise registrations. We have conducted pilot reforms in regulatory policies such as the ‘one industry, one license, one code’ approach, resulting in significant reductions in approval processes and time-frames. We have enhanced Intellectual property protection, achieving an excellent rating in the national assessment of administrative performance in intellectual property protection. We have endeavored to make administrative services more standardized, regularized and convenient. The integrated government service capacity of Anhui provincial government has remained at a 'very high' level for five consecutive years. Business registration, real estate registration, and tax services in Anhui, among others, have all achieved a top-tier standard on a national level.
In 2022, Anhui’s GDP grew by 3.5% to reach 4.5045 trillion yuan, ranking 10th in China; fixed asset investment increased by 9%, 3.9 percentage points higher than the national average, ranking 6th nationwide; the added value of above-scale industries grew by 6.1%, surpassing the national average by 2.5 percentage points. In the first quarter of 2023, Anhui’s GDP grew by 4.8%, 0.3 percentage points higher than the national average; investment in fixed assets increased by 7.9%, exceeding the national average by 2.8 percentage points; investment in manufacturing and infrastructure grew by 18.3% and 19.9% respectively; the added value of above-scale industries grew by 4.2%, 1.2 percentage points higher than the national average.



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来源:安徽创优营商环境为企服务平台编辑:纪海涛 / 审稿:王运宝转载请注明来源



